My Mother Had A Dream Poem by Kaila George

My Mother Had A Dream

My mother had a dream once
To help the young and old
Twenty years of hardship
Takes a lot out of your soul

And the vultures of society
Want to pick away
At her dream's
To close the door's of opportunity
That as helped so many
To make their own dreams
Become so real

Perhaps it's time for me
To sow the seeds she gave
To make my own life dreams
Become her legacy

This is something that I feel so angry about, just found out my mothers hard work in setting up a Community Based place were we help those that our government calls falling through the gap to make a better life for them and their family's will be taken over by people who are run by the system, and they believe they can do better. I say this because I'm still here living her dream and for those of you who have turned your back on her and her dreams…Shame on you. The place in question is called KAAT Trust…we have a site.
This is to close to my heart this place this organisation, means to much to me, but reality check I'll have to let go.
Kevin Patrick 04 July 2012

Ive read this three times and this has to be one of the most powerful pieces you've writen, the description you give about this is also emotional. And it shows your true compassion as a great human being, when I read this as I read your other work, it restors my belief that their are good people in this world Perhaps it's time for me To sow the seeds she gave To make my own life dreams Become her legacy Lets all make it her legacy

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And take a stand with your God-Given gift....W R I T I N G! Senator, Govervor, Congressmen, and while it's a Presidential 'bout The White House! Excellent penning...and win, lose, or draw...Never give up the fight...especially when the founder of this org. was your Mom! Cheer-up. Kaila...Things do have a way of working out when the effort to make it happen is there...~FjR~

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