Kaila George

Kaila George Poems

The night sky shone of glittering stars
as she gazed upon the splendor
and wondered does my true love
See the same stars I see

I once was asked
Is there peace
In this world

The hand of time
Held my tears in check
As I remembered the day
We received news of my brother’s death…so many years ago….

I was a child
Beguiled and fresh
Of innocents and new
Who played like many

Indigenous people
Live their lives
Unknown, unsure
To a land no longer ours

How can one fathom
A person to be true

In what they say

We often hope and pray
That our children find the right way

How they think
How they act

Why dose human nature
make life a misery
Never really knowing
the paths you chose to lead

How can one change a life time
Of motions and feelings

My father had a talent
Of being a great storyteller

He was able to catch

Mum why is there war?
Because men believe in what they say
So they fight for what is right

She sat upon the ground

Holding her sanity within her hands

Have you ever been adopted?
Because of what you see
Through the eyes of poetry
You sit and think can I ever see

His words are well written
His poetry divine
He paints each poem
He writes

My mother had a dream

Just like Martin Luther King

The young warriors
Danced around the flames
As they celebrated life
While the elders

The sun shone down upon my face

As I kissed the morning dew

My tears will stain Mother Earth
As the blood stain from our

People ask whom
Inspires me the most
Is it Shakespeare or Wild?
The poets of old

You know what's sad
When the system
Runs amuck

Kaila George Biography

Update: Kia Orana My Name is Kaila George, I am a 51 year old mother with one son, poetry is my passion, and recently so is teaching...I have been absent from this site for a while and just like to say I will try my best to keep abreast with anyone that would like to comment or rate there poems as best I can...I have two other sites I frequently visit...Poetfreak and Hello Poetry...but this site...I will always came back to...I fell this is were it all started for me...I feel home here...I would like to thank those of you that have been and kept reading my poems and feel honored that you still do...hence why I try my best not to neglect this site but I do have real life commitments that I must attended to...so I hope it will be OK if my reply's may be late..thank you for your time and have a good day or night Regards Kaila George)

The Best Poem Of Kaila George

Can He Really See What I See

The night sky shone of glittering stars
as she gazed upon the splendor
and wondered does my true love
See the same stars I see
can he feel the same breeze
That caresses my cheeks
As I stare into the sunsets of old
Does he see how the stars
Are arranged in the sky
For star gazers to depict
What they believe is there
in the night filled skies
Does he feel the sand?
as he visits a beach
a lake that shines and glitters in the sun
Can he hear the birds that sing to thee
Sweet songs of melodies
I reach out to him
and hold him close
But grasping thin air
I sigh with a note
of despair at not seeing
My loved one hands
Sharing the sights and sounds
Of what Mother Nature gave to thee
Can he really see what I see

Kaila George Comments

Khaley 10 May 2019

I love it it cool

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Kumarmani Mahakul 18 March 2019

On behalf of all fellow all poets, PH family and our Mahakul family, we offer a title of honour to poetess Kaila George born on 20 October 1962 in Auckland, New Zealand as, 'Astral Ecstasy.' This title is offered to her due to her long time perseverance and valuable contribution to the world literature. From today onward she will be known as Astral Ecstasy Kaila George. We hope, all poets, visitors and people will like this.

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Dr. Emmanuel Moore Abolo 02 January 2014

Your The Real Me is fantastic. I love it. Keep it up Dr Emmanuel

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Kevin Patrick 04 August 2012

Kaila George is one of those rare people whose love and compassion for all humanity make you feel that there is hope for our race. Her work is filled with hope, triumphant spirit and tenacity. Reading her work is always pleasant experience, and makes me proud to see the beauty of humanity

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(De Va) 02 November 2011

hugs youi dear Sister of My Soul.....love you so very much....

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Kaila George Quotes

Humanity's epoch lives in dreams evermore

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