My Poetry World Poem by Tracee Olga

My Poetry World

Can be compressed to a page
Even knows the sages
Has been spoken about for ages
Here we don’t care about stages

We live one word at a time
Sometime bitter than lime
Other times we go without a dime
Today crocked tomorrow straight line
Here with king and queens we dine

Still we keep on living
Others come in replacing those leaving
Yet in our hearts we keep those who left
For in their words a part of them is left
In this world every word lifts
We go up faster than lifts
And smoother than elevators
Coz each word elevates us

Our world is world of words
A world where we freely express
Where everything is an express train
Words that equally trains and drain
For here wisdom is gained sorrows are drained
Here no one judges no one condemns
A whole lifetime in a sentence condensed

It’s a free world speak what you feel
Words fill the heart when hurt
So here we spill out without fear
The pen our sword
Paper our battle field
With words we press on
Using words for a worthy cause

Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: art
Tracee Olga

Tracee Olga

Nairobi, Kenya
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