My Prayer For A Loved One! Poem by Flencirose Basera

My Prayer For A Loved One!

As she is laying in a world of her own
Filled with pain and numbness
Only you can reach her!
She is someone's baby
Created in love!
A special gift from You
Raised with patience, care and love
To love and honour you above all things
The pain is intense
It's hard to cpoe but cope she does
Hope and faith edged on the lines of survival
Those that love her have to endure
How do you take on the pain your loved one is going through
Do you act like Lot's wife?
Though you know the greatest healer
What emotions do you have to endure
Feelings of pain and helplessness
Can our love be sufficient
Are we doing enough?
In this world where all is measured by wealth
What can I hold onto?
Encouragement and hope?
Is it enough to build up the fire?
That can burn out the pain
In a world of her own...
Where hope is the light of God
Where no one can enterrupt
Where she speaks to her maker in spirit
Keep still my sister
Draw in His strength and light
Be asleep to the world to focus on your faith
For your spirit is in battle
I know the place you are at
I know how you feel
I understand your emotions for I have been there before you
Do not judge yourself
Do not grieve the spirit
God who provided for you before will provide for you again
Let Him purify you
The pain of going through the fire
In the crucible for your maker!
You question and yet no amswers come through
What's done is done
He that judges will be judged too
He who honours and respects identifies with God's spirit within
Absorb all the love
All the care that surrounds you
You gain ten thousandfold what you have lost in this life
His will always prevails
Our prayers always answered with His will!

03/06/09 @1150hrs

God answered my prayer He gave her peace and acceptance and she answered His call! RIP Lil' One Love you more today! ALWAYS! ! ! !
Flencirose Basera

Flencirose Basera

Charter, Zimbabwe
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