My Religion Is Not My Private Affair Poem by Mohammad Younus

My Religion Is Not My Private Affair

In a world that often urges faith to be a silent, personal matter—something tucked away in private devotion—I affirm that my religion is not merely my own private affair. It is the essence of who I am, shaping my actions, my words, and my way of being in the world.

Faith is not a cloak I wear behind closed doors; it is the light by which I walk, illuminating every step I take. It informs my choices, my relationships, and my purpose. It is not a burden to be hidden but a truth to be lived—an active force that seeks expression in love, justice, and service.

When my heart prays, my hands must follow. When my soul surrenders, my life must reflect it. True faith cannot be contained within the walls of solitude; it overflows, touching the world with kindness, wisdom, and strength.

My religion does not belong to a separate, private realm—it is interwoven with my existence, inseparable from my voice, my struggles, and my aspirations. To live my faith is to live fully, unapologetically, and in harmony with the truth that guides me.

If my faith calls me to peace, then peace will not be private.
If my faith calls me to love, then love will not be private.
If my faith calls me to justice, then justice will not be private.
If my faith calls me to mercy, then mercy will not be private.
If my faith calls me to truth, then truth will not be private.
If my faith calls me to awakening, then awakening will not be private.
If my faith calls me to enlightenment, then enlightenment will not be private.
If my faith calls me to knowledge, then knowledge will not be private.
If my faith calls me to wisdom, then wisdom will not be private.

My religion is not my private affair. It is the pulse of my being, the rhythm of my journey, and the compass of my life.


My Religion Is Not My Private Affair
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