My Vow Poem by Tedi Thompson

My Vow

Your one night of pleasure
Leads to my life full of pain.
Was it worth it?
Your stupid mistake making people think that I'd make the same?

I'll tell what I think… how it makes me feel
It angers me that they think I will stoop down to that same level and throw my life away
But that's YOU not me
That's really all I've got to say!

I don't appreciate having all these people jumping down my throat
When people rarely did it to you.
But look what happened now…
Look what that caused you to go out and do!

At least I am smart enough to know what to do and what not to!
I'm smart enough to have goals that I refuse to stray from.
I doubt that I will ever settle for anything less
But who knows what will come?

I know what will not come however…
I know that this day I promise to try
So that unlike some people I will never have to ask
"What size did you want your fries? "

You can think that I'm being stupid
You can think I'm throwing a tantrum
I don't care because you aren't faced with my dilemmas
You can't even grasp this conundrum!

Don't get mad at me if you think I'm calling you out
Don't step to my face and try to shout
Because if you can't stand my heat… Don't come in my kitchen!
I am too tired of all this stuff to listen you snitching!

Khairul Ahsan 13 April 2015

A wonderful poem, with humor hidden. Loved it.

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