Napalm In The Morning Poem by Long Tooth

Napalm In The Morning

All the marches suppressed
And dissenters in jail,
Fascist troops are in charge of the mall,
And God's churches now given last rites,
While our Statue of Liberty melts at Trump's touch
As our President fiddles unburdened by tune,
The fat Savage finds joy in the sights.

Yes, the demon possessed
Are a sign of our times,
Reasoned change and consent put to death,
Shameless greed put destroyers in charge,
Human politics swallowed by goose-stepping tools,
Only hope of the small now in 'noblesse oblige'
And the 'slightly' used beer of the large!

Though a 'mandate' assures,
It's the 'greatest' of lies,
For both parties indulge in this crime:
Subtle fraud of redistricting's laws!
Swing states sabotage people entitled to vote,
Evil Santa Claus kowtows to corporate Gods,
Middle class ripped by terrorist's claws!

Filth just floats to the top,
Like the scum that it is,
Criminals take top posts in the land,
They don't care if the people get wise:
It's Republican PLOT to make Government SMALL
They control by just fear, death to those who'd build trust
It's just DICTATORSHIP in disguise.

For the evil like Trump
See just 'greed' in the glass
Good Samaritan doesn't exist,
Can't trust gain past the tip of their nose!
'Forget ‘God, ' there's no chance of ‘YOU' caring for me! '
The 'survival of fittest' is number one law,
'Screw you first' only chance of repose.

Under Trump now the rich
Are law unto themselves,
Yes the foxes now shelter the hens,
Little lambs, lions smugly debone,
It explains why so many have death on their mugs,
Why Republicans hate the 'Obama's Care Plan, '
For they love to hear misery moan!

Long Tooth
January 30,2017

Monday, January 30, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: corruption
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