Nature To Nurture Poem by Chase Kersey

Nature To Nurture

The summer ferns buckle under my booted feet
And make way to a new beginning,
One of self and nature.
The self that is only experienced in nature,
And the nature that is only felt by oneself.
The nature that embraces a human
In a time of solitude.
The self that desires to be with Mother Nature
In a time of convenience.
The smell of grass invades my nostrils,
And I take rest in the comfort of eternity.
Time will be lost in all of my efforts,
And seem to slow when two should be six,
And six should be nine.
The trees greet my clothed body with a gentle touch,
And I return the touch back with a loving caress.
The grass takes joy in my sleeping body,
Giving me a soft mattress to rest my head.
I find a bush of berries,
The kind that are good to eat.
So plump and full of life,
I reach my hand out to take,
And Mother Nature drops them in my palm.
They roll along the contours,
In a inhuman joy.
The taste is as sweet
As sweet will ever get.
The taste of a gift received with love,
And never a property stolen.
Mother Nature will supply my needs,
And Father Time will help my efforts.
I don't see how anything could break this bond,
This love between I and Mother Nature's pond.

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