Never Broken Poem by Moya Staten

Never Broken

They thought I was broken, because they saw my tears
They thought I was broken because of my struggles through the years,
They thought it was over, because I seem broken,
They thought I was broken, because my light went dim,
They thought I was broken, because they knew not of the fight I had within,
They thought life for me has ended, but somehow, they could not see this was just the beginning

They thought I was really broken, because I started to lose everything, the house, the car, even the wedding ring..
They thought I was broken, because my smile disappeared, the girlish grin, twinkling eye, gone from their view, my aura saying goodbye.
I was never broken, I was starting a new, shedding my layers as my confidence grew
I was never broken, that is fact, watch out world she coming back,
I was never broken, I was breaking free, free from hurt, free from the pain within me
I was never broken, just wait and see, how much the light within will be free
I was never broken, they just did not know my strength, I was never broken, maybe a little bent.
I am embracing that which I desired, in all it glory, because I'm the only one qualified to tell my story.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: healing
Gajanan Mishra 19 December 2017

how much the light within, good one

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