News From My Friends Family Poem by Martin Greyford

News From My Friends Family

Rating: 5.0

I was on stage
Reciting my poems to the audience
When I received the news
That my friend, my dearest one
Has answered the Lord's call

That very hour.
I froze to death on that stage
As I lost words in my mouth.
I became speechless for a couple of minutes
And then tears started dripping out my eyes.

I said to the audience;
There are people that are so dear
To our hearts in our lives.
They might not be our biological siblings
But just mere friends and brothers that our

Parents never bore and here today I've lost
Such a friend. He was so dear to me in all things.
A person that put a smile on my face
In hard times of my life,
A true friend that anyone could wish to have.

Today, that friend is no more.
His death is unacceptable
As I least expected him to give me
A hand in my next show.
I'm a loser by losing such a tremendous soul.

Saturday, June 6, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: death of a friend
Bernard F. Asuncion 06 June 2020

A well crafted poem. Simply touching...10++++

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