Night Out In Tokyo Poem by Simbarashe Raymond Mudukuti

Night Out In Tokyo

I'm a visitor in this technologically advanced empire
Everything is just comparison
Back home not even my best street match their worst streets
The atmosphere is different
Forgive my backward background
This is like living inside a modern computer
My old friend has stayed here for the past 3 years
It's his education tourist stay
He shows me the upper echelons of society
It's all glitter and glamorous for us
The backward countries inhabitants
Don't have to tell you again about how tropical I am
We get into this amusement house

I try not to freak out no one knows here I do not belong
He runs off to the bar and bring this lumpy blue filled cups
My mind thinks it must be club soda
Why, cause it's what elite bars give as a welcome
I guess
We heard upstairs and as we climb the mountain of joy
Heavy metallic welcomes us from a distance
Tots? He asks
Yeah yeah, im not trying to kill the vibe
We guzzle down 3 each as we head for out tables
The dance floor is electric literally
Rainbow colours on the glittering floor
As I try to raise my head
It's too late im already drunk
I wake up in my hotel room downtown
He hands me a cup of coffee
Last night was lit
"He says"

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