No Beginning Poem by nader baheri

No Beginning

In this world we are living in
No beginning reaches to end
No one thinks why we are here
Where have we come from and
Where are we going to end

Valsa George 10 April 2013

Life is a puzzle! It is better that we do not probe too much into the mystery of life! A cute little poem!

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Unwritten Soul 07 April 2013

Oh Dear Nader, Dont ask which part of candle flame the light come from Never question me about the dark night if it could be darker than a day without a sun Do we know the answer, there is the answer but should we denying the facts when we dont know? If light comes from center or outer of the candle what we need only to be bright Either darker day without sun or dark night, that candle bright we need to have And if ever you ask me what this all mean, read and understand and we dont have to know the far but we must clear something nearby so live what you can have, and dont die thing we never know _Unwritten (* Soul

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Captain Cur 07 April 2013

... and do we begin again. Deep thoughts in a little poem. Nice write. Your right, a simple smile would have probably worked a lot better.

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