No Foe Shall Gather Our Harvest Poem by Dame Mary Gilmore

No Foe Shall Gather Our Harvest

Rating: 3.0

Sons of the mountains of Scotland,
Welshmen of coomb and defile,
Breed of the moors of England,
Children of Erin's green isle,
We stand four square to the tempest,
Whatever the battering hail-
No foe shall gather our harvest,
Or sit on our stockyard rail.

Our women shall walk in honour,
Our children shall know no chain,
This land, that is ours forever,
The invader shall strike at in vain.
Anzac!...Tobruk!...and Kokoda!...
Could ever the old blood fail?
No foe shall gather our harvest,
Or sit on our stockyard rail.

So hail-fellow-met we muster,
And hail-fellow-met fall in,
Wherever the guns may thunder,
Or the rocketing air-mail spin!
Born of the soil and the whirlwind,
Though death itself be the gale-
No foe shall gather our harvest
Or sit on our stockyard rail.

We are the sons of Australia,
of the men who fashioned the land;
We are the sons of the women
Who walked with them hand in hand;
And we swear by the dead who bore us,
By the heroes who blazed the trail,
No foe shall gather our harvest,
Or sit on our stockyard rail.

William Burt 13 October 2004

I remember reading the poem at school and being overwhelmed by the patriotism is exudes. Mary Gilmore is representative of an Australia long gone; an Australia which truly saw itself as a new experiment in democracy and had no doubt about its superiority not only over those nations to our North but over the 'old and tired' nations of Europe. To 'sit on the stockyard rail' is a metephor for visiting as a friend. I truly love this poem and my chest swells and my eyes water when I read it

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Sylvia Frances Chan 08 July 2024

FINAL: Or sit on our stockyard rail" It serves as a morale booster, celebrating the resilience and unwavering spirit of the Australian people during challenging times

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Sylvia Frances Chan 08 July 2024

This poem is about a relentless call to Australians to stand firm in the face of foreign aggression during World War II. The poem emphasizes unity, honor, and determination, with each stanza ending in the powerful refrain: "No foe shall gather our harvest,

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Kevin Patrick 18 October 2012

A brilliant write every word is perfectly pitched and constructed in a way that is nearly synonymous with perfection. Having little or no idea about this original author I am left to guess at what point in time this poem was written or how it was constructed; however reading it I cannot help feel that this would have been a perfect read during the Blitz, a marvelous display of strength at adversity and the tenacity of perseverance

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Stevie Taite 18 October 2012

i admire the poetic construction and the flow of this poem, which helps to put across the proud and patriotic sentiments of the poem very well.

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Sian Thomas 14 September 2006

i was studying the Australian expierence in school when i came across this poem as one of my texts. it was interesting to notice how ironic some of the lines are when you view them from the perspective of an Indigenous Australian, especially those of 'fashioning the land' and continually reference to the stockyard rail which is of course a European Invention.

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Dame Mary Gilmore

Dame Mary Gilmore

New South Wales
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