No More Burdens Poem by Bob Gotti

No More Burdens

To think that soon we’ll be free, of burdens shackling you and me,
Burdens that we face in our life, that burden us with pain and strife.
Burdens which shackle our heart, that at times, seem not to depart,
As it hinders Christ’s peace within, for, we turn our focus from Him.

Freedom was bought for you and me, by Jesus Christ upon a tree,
When blood flowed for everyone, from the side of God’s own Son.
And we begin to experience this, as we accept God’s precious Gift,
The Lord God’s gift of salvation, offered at Calvary to every nation.

Even though we are Born Again, we still live on earth, as sinful men,
Hindered by our own sin nature, that within all men, is far from pure,
It is this struggle we have within, that hinders us in this world of sin,
Being in a world that is so unkind, disrupts in us our peace of mind.

Although in Christ we do believe, the devil stills attempts to deceive,
This to destroy God’s peace in us, who in Christ have put their trust,
As he desires to sift us like wheat, to produce in us spiritual defeat,
But, this world will not discount, what Christ did on Calvary’s Mount.

For soon we’ll be in Heaven above, surrounded only by God’s love,
Satan’s darkness will be no more, as we are in the Light of our Lord.
And before we enter into Eternity, sin is banished from you and me,
To live new lives with no end, in the perfection of Heaven my friend.

(Copyright ©03/2008)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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