Nowhere To Be Found Poem by abhay kumar singh

Nowhere To Be Found

walking on the road
in the heart sweating weather
like everything around us burning
from the stand still trees
to the long step horses
i walked for some time
with my fingers on head
sweeping off the sweat
suddenly looking in the front
i saw a man fallimg on road unconscious
and nobody shows intrest in helping him
i walk to the man
grabbing in my arms asking for help
from the persons passing by
but the help was nowhere to be found

i don't have a choice
i have to do something
questions arises in my mind
what could i do
and seeing no other option
i pick up the guy and
sprinted for his dear life
without thinking of the heat
hoping for someone to come
and it really happened
a cab driver in his car
i asked him for help
but the help was nowhere to be found

by this time i get the feeling
that nobody is going to come
it was all upon me
and saying this i started running again
after some moments i saw a hospital
not so very good looking
but best for the situation
i rushed into the hospital
crying for help
but the help was nowhere to be found

suddenly a hope come to us
it was none other than the compound
asking to meet the doctor
and even without letting the compounder
to finish his sentence
i rushed to the doctor
hoping that now all will be good
doctor checked him and said
sorry he is no more
if u have come 1 hour earlier we can
think of saving him
and it was a shocker for me
because the accident just happend
only 45 minutes ago
how can the doctor say that
i tell everybody in the hospital
what had happend in the hope of
getting help from him
but the help was nowhere to be found

Nowhere To Be Found
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: truth
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