~nylons, Silk.Fire And Bone Poem by Katherine Wyatt

~nylons, Silk.Fire And Bone

I could swim in lucid imagery about an 'us' that wasn't
such indulgence would be narrative folly
… as dream states revealing coffins
where those who knew died themselves awake
to warn me of snakes behind a door
wound uncoiled in my mother's buried and rotten womb
edging close to this chapter almost closing
while dark ones hold candles dripping blood no one can see
no one knows of them

Time circles as mundane consumes another breath
memories of flowers and words of tenderness
hollow and falling to the floor
seeping sanguine ties into the ground
a broken guitar and a lock of hair
Allington's stone bridge covered in ivy
a past life memory so clear yet so blurry
who were you? … I followed you…
we missed our entwining
Persistently visioning that day, it was cloudy in Kent..
Yet, that was then and this is Now..
I have followed an essence for centuries

Perhaps it was my own soul I craved…

Delta shores sunsets and bayou daze
elongated vowels and skeleton keys are tossed about
bones and feathers and warm light
easing…. easing… shift.. easing
enduring the grip of imaginings that are clouds
not real at all
re-membering myself
as you say

Always hold me close in your heart ok?
silently wishing it had been my illusion
who had asked such a thing
I built him of bones and memories and wishes

What is real holds me when I sleep at night
through the nausea and bloodstains
bones crack and splinter as the façade falls away

I long for Kent…. and the smell of jasmine
we always want what we cannot have until we have it
we fall in love with the mirror
like small caged birds with a toy looking glass on a chain
open the door it is coming
easing ….
into flight

© Katherine Wyatt All Rights Reserved 2016

Friday, December 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: spiritual
Kim Barney 16 December 2016

A very fascinating poem, Katherine. Your first one on this website, and a good one. Welcome to Poem Hunter!

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