O Baby, O Baby, Come Back To Your Home Poem by Sadashivan Nair

O Baby, O Baby, Come Back To Your Home

Rating: 5.0

A mother mourned,
On teen daughter's note,
Wrote before leaving home;
'Hey mom!
Am leaving your home;
You don't understand,
Our generation and our needs,
Can't fit in your archaism mind';

Mom wept bitterly,
Laying her head on it;
'Hey' baby, 'U' baby,
'O' my sweet heart;
What have you done?
You are precious boon,
The God blessed to us;
The day of your birth,
Was blessing,
Of hope and reason,
To live rest of our life;
The tough words we used,
Wasn't to hurt you;
The only intention,
Was your righteous growth;

Life isn't the way you see,
You are tender and dovelike,
In your unknown world;
All glittering phenomenal
Is not shining star;
The sparkle or sheen,
You perceive is temporal,
Drags you into its marsh;
Vulnerable to labyrinth,
Can't escape out,
Once drown into its murky plot;
The teen age is so vulnerable,
You don't yet know,
What is right, what is wrong;
I am your mother,
Gave you birth,
Fed you breast till it pained;
Came from my womb,
You are me, only me,
Don't hurt yourself;
Come back to your home;

© Sadashivan nair

O Baby, O Baby, Come Back To Your Home
Friday, March 24, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: teenage
The poem is about some desperate teens who leave their parents and home and drown into murky marsh.
Anil Kumar Panda 28 March 2017

A poem with a strong message for the today's teens. With so many modern gadgets to make relations with a blink of eyes and invading of western cultures into our lives the teens are restless and chasing pleasures. Parents are left with nobody to take care of. A very nice poem indeed about the sad realty of the present time. Thanks for sharing.10+++

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