Ocean Of Inner Stillness (Happy Birthday) Poem by Prabir Gayen

Ocean Of Inner Stillness (Happy Birthday)

Ocean of inner Stillness

Inside each of Us a deep pond,
The pond of absolute stillness,
Every emotion like a boat leads us,
make us plunge into the pond,
Love is a floating vehicle,
Music is a serene ark,
Sex and smell are like Steamers,
Touch, taste and sight are waves,
Every wave brings awareness,
Awareness is the point to make
an inward journey, to be centered,
Deep within us a deep point,
The fountain of profound Joy,
Within the womb of Joy,
the world with all its attachments, dissolve,
Thought are simply passing clouds,
They pass making no sound,
With strongest impulse we catch hold of a thought,
Making our life hell or heaven,
Only Wise choose to remain a witness,
Ignorant move outside and
With effort or action create happiness and misery.
Running after happiness is running after misery,
With senses wise reach the deepest core,
The Pond of Stillness, The seed of peace
Without happiness without misery,
Inside each of Us a deep pond,
Fathomless and abysmal,
Banking on the surface,
The wafting waves of impulses,
We can reach the ocean or
nullifying the sense we can have
The ocean of inner stillness.

(Happy birthday poem
Meethi Gayen: 28-04-2020)

@prabir Gayen: 28April,2020,1: 35 PM.

Ocean Of Inner Stillness (Happy Birthday)
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: birthday greetings
Birthday poem
Meethi Mondal 28 May 2020

We can reach the ocean or nullifying the sense we can have The ocean of inner stillness.

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Meethi Mondal 28 May 2020

the world with all its attachments, dissolve, Thought are simply passing clouds, They pass making no sound, With strongest impulse we catch hold of a thought, Making our life or heaven,

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Meethi Mondal 28 May 2020

and smell are like Steamers, Touch, taste and sight are waves, Every wave brings awareness, Awareness is the point to make an inward journey, to be centered, Deep within us a deep point, The fountain of profound Joy, Within the womb of Joy,

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Meethi Mondal 28 May 2020

Inside each of Us a deep pond, The pond of absolute stillness, Every emotion like a boat leads us, make us plunge into the pond, Love is a floating vehicle, Music is a serene ark,

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