Oddity Ender The Pirate Poem by Clinton Siegle

Oddity Ender The Pirate

Ender the pirate - p

Not your ordinary pirate - i

Dreaded story teller - r

Ender the pirate - a

Reading the story - t
Story teller - e

Friday, November 2, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: pirate
short story
Ahh cafe shi... those were the days... once along time ago there was a story telling pirate that would sip tea at the cafe shi in china... there were several stories floating around to tell them were easy as picking a dandelion off the grass in some local park now a days where public funding has been dried up mysteriously from the lack of funding. That is curious is it not? The president has money to play golf; the state department has money to play war in Libya. In yet the local funding for a library is cut... what shame and ignorant ways of this world- so too a story free and clear... there once was a pirate living by no other means but by fishing at the local pond. He was quite a catch if I do say so myself. He would catch the fish, clean, and grill the fish right there in the open park without a license needed... the fish and game people or should I dear say person was upset and dreadfully trying to catch the said pirate. She would get up early for herself say 8 am and be there till closing say 4 pm because the state would not pay for overtime you know... the clever pirate of course fished after 5 pm because you know it is hot out and well getting up early was not his thing... anyways one day after eating his meal he stopped by a local cafe and guess what bumped into said ranger.. And that is where romance begins his hair was wild like a pirate. Dear I say more. She on the other hand was a homeliest woman in the world.If the world was less dramatic she would be her sister that or step sister.Anyway she had her suspicion that she was being bumped by the dread fisherman of her local pond.She decided to try to catch him by asking about the local fish.Being a pirate and story teller at that the dear bumpkin listened to her questions about what fish were in the local pond. Being an astute judge of character he proceeded to tell her how to catch the fish in her pond.Trying to figure out the details she asked specific times and places.Being a dreadful pirate he gave details of midnight and under a full moon.Thus preceded the weirdest relationship discussion I have been part of… So parting ways the pirate wanted to see what would happen.To his delight the ranger did not show up at 8 am that next day. Inquiring about what was happening he found out by way of the local library help desk that the ranger was investigating a mad fisherman that would fish at midnight.Say no more with a pirate smile.The next day at 8 am he showed up and cleaned out the pond.Now where is the romance in this entire story some may say... Well the story has not ended…Being a dreadful pirate and humorist the next day he waited till the ranger was in.
curious how bad of a story line is this?
07/14/2011 7: 58pm
well so much for my idea about how things go.. i normally do not go to dangerous places without food on my mind.. the meaning the bigger the guys the better the food.. at least that is a hypothesis that works fairly well. so when i am not interested in watching my back for a double grilled fish soup or something weird.. meaning if you are going to a place like that order the house special.. i am in a place where security and all that should mean - no people coming up to me an confessing their uniqueness. Meaning i do not think i look friendly, but i usually end up with someone confessing their lifes adventures or scary moments or etc.. sometimes i wonder if there is a sign 'hey this guy is the evilest person here..' yea i know evil... yes pure evil.. so i am at burger king - eating of course this is how lifes adventures go and this emt guy comes out of no where and begins his 'i know somethingie about chuck noris methods and i was just told i could be a green belt in this and i carry a gun on the public bus.' i got my refill of tea and went back to writing and wondered if i was not here what would be in that moment.. silence? i also wonder if i smile evil grin at him - evil grin what would have happened.. i know that is usually a tactic that i use when i get hungry and the waitress has forgotten my bread.. i often wonder the grin costs me a few minutes of conversation but i get my food... it also sometimes stops people from telling me to much information. meaning why they did this or that and i always wonder if I should ask do you plan on staying out of jail or what...
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