Oh! Happiness Where Are Thou Poem by Benjamin Bauda

Oh! Happiness Where Are Thou

Rating: 5.0

Happiness! Happiness! Oh! Happiness! Where are thou?
You were with me, when I was in primary school, though I never thought much of you,
You followed me to secondary school, there also I didn't recognize you,
You were a friend who wanted to be a friend to a friend who never noticed the friend who wants to be his friend.

I valued you not,
I never appreciated the smile you put on my face,
The laugh you made me laugh,
The joy you put in me, that I passed to others,
I treated you like the soil and waters of Niger Delta,
I neglected and abandoned you like how agriculture was abandoned because of oil,
I treated you like nothing, when you are everything.

Oh! Happiness! Where are thou?
Are you in the job that am searching for,
Or in the money that escapes me in real life but appears in my dreams?
Are you on tour with an artist,
Or on a foreign trip with a politician?
Oh! Happiness! Where are thou?

Oh! How I miss you my happiness,
I never knew you were the bodyguard that kept depression and frustration at bay,
Life was too sweet to loose,
Because of you, hope was my closest companion and friend.
The future looked green,
The soil was so fertile,
The future was indeed assured.

Oh! Happiness come to me!
Come to me oh happiness!
Come to me like August rain!
Come to me like wild fire,
Come to me like how light shines through the darkness!
Oh come! Please come, I need you.

My first poem written in 2016
Tom Allport 28 March 2017

a poem of life's dream to be continually happy? .............well written.

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