Oh Johnny Dear Johnny Poem by Francis Duggan

Oh Johnny Dear Johnny

The man by the Australian people empowered
The Liberal Prime Minister Mr John Howard
For years he's locked horns with Keating and Hawke
Those two were smooth talkers and John too can talk.

He think by financing employers that work will abound
That Australia will prosper and jobs can be found
Oh Johnny dear Johnny you've got it all wrong
You can't help the weak if you strengthen the strong.

He think by weakening the Unions that workers will thrive
That the Australian Trade Unions their workers deprive
Oh Johnny dear Johnny leave Unions alone
You weaken the Unions the workers you stone.

I bet you don't have one poor person as mate
And you always have the best of food on your plate
Oh Johnny dear Johnny your life is secure
And by helping the wealthy you deprive the poor.

Your Government has this huge mandate of course
Oh Johnny dear Johnny don't use too much force
For this is not China where rule is by fear
And bully boy tactics will never work here.

The people have chosen I find that okay
But Johnny dear John don't get carried away
Your ideas and visions don't seem great to me
And to weaken the Unions won't help poverty.

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