On The Poem By Mr B 'The Damned' Poem by Francis Duggan

On The Poem By Mr B 'The Damned'

Mr B is quite a good poet as a wordsmith with his words he impress
But in his poem 'The Damned' which he recently had published the judgemental line he transgressed
He did seem a bit rough on missionaries though these people try to save souls for their god
But these people back their words with their actions by helping the poor and downtrod.

These people help the poor of refugee camps their gift of caring is a marvellous thing
I see them as wonderful people though their praises few bother to sing
Perhaps they are not perfect people but their good intentions I feel obliged to condone
But if Mr B feels he's that perfect his right is to cast the first stone.

In his poem 'The Damned' people like me damned forever since I'm not a person of prayer
He seems down on every godless person in the bigger World out there
He seems one bordering on the fundimental and religious fundimentalists of this World not rare
Many who do not worship a god can be good people of that some do not seem aware.

I respect Mr B his right to express his opinions though with what he says I disagree
He does seem to me quite judgemental one who does lack in empathy
If his god is the one to judge me then I won't expect sympathy
A true god would embrace saints and sinners and love all of humanity.

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