On To The Next Poem by Timmy Tubbs

On To The Next

On To The Next

The first one shot up her way through life
She has the tracks to prove it
She mumbles of sponsors and I listened
I had no idea what that was
But she saw right through me
I guess the sore of us still glistened
She really didn’t know how to listen to herself
So I stuck her on a filthy shelf

The second one was close
A wall away laid her bed
One night after alcohol I am ashamed to say
Our feelings shed
But the next day after I awoke realized what we did
Nothing was said
She always wanted more
And still does
But I stay clear of her bed

The third was a mirror of me
Broken up inside and still crying
We helped each other to close
Finally we realized, we just need to be friends
And she suddenly turned to be my best
And I really can’t wait to see what will happen next

But there are so many who want more
An odd consequence, and I try not to lead on
Most understand I am here for friends
But they would do anything to get some drinks in me
And take me to bed
For most, I assume, it’s just a fantasy to fulfill
And I’ll have to shove off and say no
I will

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