One Halloween Poem by Gayle M. Sunshine O Maize Water Nora Shoshone Doherty Winchester, story song Glen A, Sweeney +

One Halloween

Many moons ago
I had a dream to be a native American Indian
For Halloween.
I was a twelve year old girl.
From directions I found
In a book I cherished
All by myself I made my own dress.
Brown cloth was bought, unfolded and cut -
Plain cotton for pretend buckskin though still as rich as soft silk even to me.
To have a wild and free look
Lots of bright red beads
Threaded with fringe were sewn
Onto the costume
One at a time
Again and again
Up top and close to the hem.
The beads maybe came from the downtown Woolworth's five and ten then.
How long it took me to make the dress
I don't remember now.
When the sewing was done my happiness filled the room
Like the sun!
With two long shiny braids
And my hand stitched beaded costume on
I stepped out
Into the cold, black night.
Holding a trick or treat bag
Alongside the other kids, fleet of foot, too,
I took flight to get candy and was glad.
Past pumpkins, door to door -
A young native American Indian princess I was
Following my heart and my dream soared.
The costume is now stored away.
Those memories - pieced together -
Are glowing memories
And they are treasures
Lasting forevermore.

Constance K Yost 11 November 2010

Hello! This is a wonderful poem! It's great that you could make a wish come true by your own talents! I can see it all. Constance

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