A blue jay's feathered back holds spots of white clouds
And soft, glistening blue.
Upon its wings is painted days of sapphires
And snowy flurries, too.
A full cookie cutter moon is sparkling
Like a pearl brooch dripping with diamonds.
Bright stars are sprinkled across the night sky.
I made a wish upon a star on high.
Zinnias USA, in A Garden to Scottie Elkins my friend......... In a valient sunrise front yard
In a Rye garden
On an OceaN road
Where heavenly Zinnias shine,
Between the tall, darkened evergreen trees
Some twinkling stars shined
In the night brightly..
The black sky is a melody
I remember
A bright LIPSTICK RED tulip and more
Grew in the backyard... and a maple.
The maple tree is still there growing
Beyond a bird on the wire
Is a sky of light blue triumphing sapphire.
I looked up at the sapphire and the bird
Thinking if I could only sing a song of sunshiny words.
A patch of feathered cloud white
is glazed inside the center
Of the small, round blue handmade bowl -
Kiln fired, down from around the Tennessee smokey mountaintops.
How lucky I was alone earlier at a sunny hour
To have gazed upon a splendid blue sky and tulip flowers!
The shining blooms had opened peacefully like a prayer book.
With purely painted petals the waking world - so wondrous, looked.
A sunny cardinal in the tall, snowy evergreen tree
Wore a shining coat the shade of red berries so joyfully.
While I looked dreamily outdoors towards the small, white,
Wintry woods
A big lemony butterfly floated up with a sunny breeze
And drifted amoung the cool green leaves of the old, black cherry trees.
It was seen clearly dancing in the air and then not found at all,
Cloaked in cloisonne' as if it was going to an evening ball.
Powdery white snow blanketed the trees
Where boughs beckoned to us so peacefully.
The earth was once green and brought flowers and joy.
Up in the frozen sky stars tell us stories.
While raking the old garden to make room
For spring green sprouts he heard a sudden yelp.
On the ground he couldn't see a thing doomed
But there had been a distressed cry for help.
++++++++++++ France 2005 - it is my birthday month - May... In that spring we were in Provence at a fortress Chateau - my niece, my sister and I. Climbing the stone steps - winding with my niece I saw a white dove up above in the blue pastel sky... at Gordes there were winding paths trough the city with golden light sandstone walls of work and Joan d' Arc with a Mary statue was in the chapel there. Joan d' Arc is looking up to heaven with a light on her face in the chapel... The Celtic village looked out across a low valley and the sun shone...After a World War all the residents of Gordes got a medal... in Paris, the city of light to the North, it's a rainbow and Ckazki is Camelot.... The countryside rings so true.... Paris's miracle is alive in the white dove up in the pastel blue sky i saw for all and France is free. see Constance Yost 1938 poems on All Poetry see my biography or 1938 see 'Walk the Plank' by Constance Yost clues on this website for Pa's death = not right......who was the priest at St Mary's who said Pa had committed suicide? Mary pic from here in st firmin ha an obscured non color blotch on it that was not dark in shade......developed by Shutterfly Glen is on it.....
The strawberry moon glowed over the deep, dark ocean,
Sailing during the night with elegant devotion.
The bright moon was full and in the sky was beckoning
While the small, shining waves below were genuflecting.
Oceans of mandarin orange played upon the bright, sun painted wings
Of a Monarch in the air who made happy, shimmery blossoms sing!
By and by this graceful butterfly fluttered like a dancer from Spain.
It floated with a soft breeze then stopped atop some petals where it
Lo and behold in the white winter wonderland
A snowman was magic made from snowballs.
Rolled and rolled in the soft fresh fallen snow,
The snowman was formed and he spread cheer
There's sorrow deep in my heart
And a mist doesn't depart.
My grandmother's diamond.......... shined in the glistening sun. Blossoms last eternally -
Heavenly for us to see.
Our time spent at our homes on this flower earth is brief.
The elders survived their world sometimes fatigued with grief.
The wish to see our loved ones up in heaven aloft
Is a wish we carry with us in our treasured thoughts.
The old grey stone wall magnificently
Passes sunny flowers and green ivy.
Over time some cool stones fell out of place.
The wall has a boundary to embrace.
sept 6,2024 Glen a doherty is in heaven... RIP do not erase my intelligence paris Father Joe Henchey said to bring to justice all those who false charge and no trial... Nakota... and take their Heads off as well... this is Jesus. You are scum beyond belief..... hey sluts in the office like Shay eat Grass after your dicks are cut off....+ you are not excused witnesses, God here i am the judge...you are not excused as you tell yourselves you are not love and you dont love duty....duty... Amen...Scum........> > > > > > > > > > Go to Smokey Hoss and Joseph Anderson poems, too.all my poetry to go to glen A Doherty Seal Winchester and Paul K Sweeney 'Doc' Special Ops.... Gayle Marian Honora Sweeney Doherty RFK RIP Do it go July 14,2024 I am special Ops in training always.... like Paul my only brother in my heart and friend who loves me. all reports to go to my friend on high...woburn Police cheif and conspirators charged for violating all rights... Pontifical North American Collage DC to charge thru St Peter.St P +..ALL Soviet not medical care charged and all not care charged treason and no insurance retroactive paying for anything that is not medical care. Vote for free.. save a tree! ...by, Gayle Sweeney. Hospitals are places of learning not businesses what is 411 all about hospitals under business for ex.? hospitals are publicly owned..I reported to Tom Davis Davis Lab UNH and Cherokee and AIMovement and Abenaki tribe VT UFL Citrus Pith study and my finding, my work and Corn flower water etc all foods and more thru www. poemhunter.com psweeney@rcn.com pword 1448 all my poems can be used for country wild sacred Gayle Sweeney legal name and doherty July 7,2024. corn varieties to be revived = Native American Indians and write Kellogg for light tacos and tortillas.sp? ... Paul can learn shortcuts in towns in an amazingly short amount of time after studying maps of places like Gloucester, MA. Glen A Doherty is our teacher Winchester..... I live in New England and had a magical childhood reading books, playing in the woods and dreaming of being a Native American Indian. I made my own native costume for Halloween one year with some red beads and some fringe on it. I saw a bear in the Sierra Nevada California when I was about twenty two. The bear was off to the side of the trail a little way from me all of a sudden. I didn't recall that incident til years later when I was playing the piano and started to get flashbacks. My mind could have been protecting itself by forgetting while I was in the wilderness. I went to St. Mary's College at Notre Dame and had season tickets to the home football games. I graduated from U. Mass Amherst where I studied Art History and did a summer theatre internship.. Now I do volunteer work for environmental nature research and development at the Seacoast, NH USA. I research my family history, too. Thank you. PLEASE SEE HISTORY OF sT bERTONI WEBSITE BY OUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND..... pAUL kAREN bILLY rICK AND MY FATHER r.i.p.WHO IN MY MEMORY IS IN A GOLDEN LIGHT IN MY HEART pAUL kINSLEY sWEENEY BORN 1928 AP aMERICAN hISTORY tEACHER AND COACH AT wOBURN sR hIGH sCHOOL wOBURN ma 01801...OUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND WAS fATHER jOSEPH c. hENCHEY. jESUS SAID BE LIKE THE LITTLE CHILDREN. fATHER jOSEPH SAID EPISUL NOT EPISTLE I THOUGHT VATICAN THEN.....i THOUGHT THEN EPISUL.... i GOT cASTLE oF gOD..EPISUL...LIKE A FAIRY TALE. jESUS MADE ALL CHURCHES cASTLE OF gOD CHURCHES WHERE TO GO TO VOTE AND GET GUNS ETC. ALL WEAPONS BELONG TO THE FREE WORLD. nATIONAL SECURITY CLEARANCE FOR ALL EPISUL THE ONLY WAY.... wEAPONS BELONG TO THE FREE WORLD EPISUL THE ONLY WAY..... cAVES WITH HDDEN MASSES ARE CASTLE OF gOD cHURCHES AND GAELIC ALL IS CASTLE OF GOD OF COURSE... CALVARY CEMETERY wOBURN ma SEE ALL kELLEY AND hENCHEY AND sWEENEY WOODBROOK TOO AND hOLLAND ND sEVERANCE ETC ALL FRIENDS AND FAMILY AND JOHN jOSEPH kELLEY BURIED t 9 3 SHAMROCKS W MY GRANDFATHER fALL 2023 AND sPRING 2024 - OVER WHERE HE IS BURIED ONLY.....WHO SAID THE UNION RULE BOOK WAS HIS BIBLE AND HE KNEW IT COVER TO COVER... sHAMROCKS ARE ON MY GRANDFATHER kELLEYS GRAVE AFTER ABOUT 22 YEARS OF JUST DIRT JUST OVER MY GRANDFATHER WHO WAS UNION....RIP SEE fAMILY hISTORY cENTER sALT lAKE cITY uTAH mORMONS jESUS cHRIST AND lATTER DAY sAINTS....ON fILM IN THE MOUNTAIN sTORIES BY jOHN jOSEPH kELLEY B 1910 wINCHESTER MA pAUL kiNSLEY sWEENEY B 1928 lIVED cLINTON sT wOBURN MA 01801 STORIES BY sARA -H (sADIE) JANE KELLEY rOBERTSON LIVED 11 HILL sT wINCHESTER ma AND bETHEL me... gENEALOGY sWEENEY wALSH LINES BY pAULA cAREY kANE 800 PAGES ABOUT. INVESTIGATE ALL MY FAMILY DEATHS - WE ARE UNION. NOT MY MOMMY i WAS THINKING. wINCHESTER. wINCHESTER ma IS A STORYBOOK TOWN.... JESUS tOLD ME HE IS USHERING IN AN ERA OF PEACE. jESUS SAID ROUND THEM UP..... SIGNED gAYLE mARIAN hONORA sWEENEY dOHERTY...dOHERTY MY NAME IS dOHERTY rip. BIENTOT SOLZHENEZEN (SP?) - I MET, IN la 1979 OR 1978 MY MOTHER TOLD ME JEAN sWEENEY 35 qUIMBY aVE wOBURN ma.......MONARCHS AT hAPPY hAMPTON WAS WRITTEN WHERE IT SAYS VECTOR RIGHT IN MEMORY - VECTOR RIGHT IS FOR MY UNCLE jOHN jOSEPH kELLEY WHO WAS IN CHARGE OF BOSTON TOW BOATS IN BOSTON HARBOR MA. hE WAS A PILOT.. HE TAUGHT ME THAT THE AIR GOES UNDER THE WINGS OF A SMALL PLANE WAS IN A FOUR SEATED WITH HIM AND MY BROTHER bILLY...THE AIR UNDER THE WINGS OF A SMALL 4 SEATER.PLANE CAUSES THE PLANE TO FLY. AT pNEUNFFS (?) IN mANCHESTER. HE WANTED MY MOTHER IN HER 80S TO GO TO AL GAURONS TO GET A BOAT AND TAKE IT 3 MIES OUT TO DUMP HIS ASHES IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. IT WAS A VERY SOMBER OCCASION AT THE CREMATORIUM TALKING TO THE REP THERE ABOUT MY UNCLE DYING. i TOLD MY MOTHER DONT WORRY ILL GET YOU SOME DRAMAMINE (?) .. I TOLD BOBBY dEVER WHEN LEAVING rOCK AND rOLL. GAYLE mARIAN hONORA sWEENEY dOHERTY RIP IN HEAVEN rENAGADE RIP BLESSINGS. iLL KEEP RUNNING AND NEVER LET GO. yOU ARE MY dAWSON. THANK YOU FOR QUELLING - THOSE PESKY RED LIGHTS FOR 2 BLOCKS ABOUT AND A STREET. i AM GLAD I PULLED OVER AND STOPPED THE FUCKING CAR AS YOU SAID YOU WHISPERED DEAREST BECAUSE I DIDNT HEAR YOU AT THE TIME IT WAS YEARS LATER I ASKED WHAT WERE YOU THINKING AND OF COURSE I SAW YOU WAVE AWAY THE PESKY POLICEMAN AND ALL WAS AND IS WELL. pEACE ON eARTH AND gOOD wILL TO MEN. gAYLE mARIAN hONORA sWEENEY dOHERTY mAY 22 2024 THANK YOU HUBBY DUBBY SWEETCAKES.... I LOVE YOU DO YOU LOVE ME HUBBY DUBBY DO? ALLS WELL IN WHOSVILLE WHO? investigate all my family deceased not coming up on find a grave - especially William Henry Sweeney William James Sweeney Doctor? Phoebe Doran Sweeney? Gayle Marian Honora Sweeney Doherty May 23 2024 i have been locked up illegally 8 times about by mother who goes by that she thinks taking zyprexa out weighs the fact that zyprexa can destroy my song a gift from God. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO DESTROY SONG. I can hit a high C and singing talent runs in the family. My gift from God is not my mothers gift.IT BELONGS TO ME MY GIFT FROM gOD.... I am for childrens rights reforms. Children are the USA. We have rights and and i have been in this corrupt system supposedly mental health since 1992 USA not our USA rather it is Stalingrad THIS DEPRAVED SYSTEM IS AN INSURANCE RACKET..... i have been made out mentally ill because i am an enemy of Putin. An angel said to me your house is Putins House in the USA...... signed Gayle MARIAN Honora Shoshone Sweeney, Mrs Glen A Doherty Winchester June 24,2024 St P + Jesus MD + (especially save the following notes for culture and history) ...... I sent Nasa researchers the episul code = episul is word for epistle by Fr Henchey, Joe ie think Vatican then think episul and the response is Castle of God = a fairytale = Ckazki = Camelot only always...... and known what I know about Lady Moon and Mary i also sent to NASA top Researchers = please see my poem here called Our lady Moon. Mary's face I thought once must have been as beautiful as the Lady Moon's face..... allpoetry.com/poem/32270521-walk-the-plank-by-connieyost1938 (plank and research Pa's Death John Joseph Kelley died Winchester MA Aug 5,1936.) Has the Aberjona been widened since 1936. How did Pa cross the river on a plank if it is wide like today? It would have been impossible and was he at work or going to work like in the Winchester Star? Blackjack worked Public Works and across street a cement guard rail taken down 2024 that said 1936... Blackjack got Victory Medal see Star Winchester thru Winchester Library MA the paper online in full 1904 on and searchable by quarters.....) research all deaths Kelley and Sweeney....+++++ angelicum.it/in-memoriam-fr-joseph-henchey/ {Rio Grande Blue River for Children's Art all along the blue riverbank by the refugee children survivors all and painted on river stones, white blossom papers and more - moorings pf peace - the colors of the Milky Way and the New Mexico sky in the heavens and in the kids dreams of the USA....The preceeding is an idea of mine} episul.... the response is = a wonder for all time......+++++++++++++ June 26,2024+++++++++ June 14 1975 Paul K Sweeney Jr Palos Verdes CA Marathon......Paul 1979 hopped Soo Train line home as far as Minnesota about for Karens and Michaels wedding.....i do not want any family charged with anything..... unless if the home Paul and I are in and have lived in that my Dad and Papa bought... Then if that property does not be put in our names and whoever elses who is usa and belongs there for wild and free only - the charge will be violating all......... Gayle Sweeney July 14,2024 RFK All paul kinsley sweeney ran and walked 26 mi marathon at Palos verdes ca one of the greatest marathons i read in the USA and possibly it said and more or the like.... date was june 14 1975 i circled...baldridge lawyer see...mary ellen 5670 wilshire blvd # 1500 la CA 90036 Paul worked at the WILd flour sp? Main st making pizza owner from boston ma nd paul saw jane fonda come in...in Sant Monica CA He went to Santa Monica Community Jr College and played football there he said on kick off team thats all? mark Barret said a UCla Coach was supposed to come see paul about playing football and it was a no show, , , IRish, , , , , paul delivered unwrapped spinach on a bus from a place he lived at with chickens owned by zimmernan in Topanga Canyon and then he was going to alaska and hopped Soo line to Minnesota from i believe spokane and ate blackberries blackberries? and sat in open door of the box car looking out no blanket or pillow ie karen was marrying Michael Sean NEE.... Paul out on his own Homeless xselter knowledge how much and roads he is a homing pigeon hire him, .... usa he says nothing is over and he loves Camelot face lights up like a christmas tree lit up on christmas morning for all USA.... Gayle Sweeney July 17,2024.)
A Blue Jay
A blue jay's feathered back holds spots of white clouds
And soft, glistening blue.
Upon its wings is painted days of sapphires
And snowy flurries, too.
I peeked out beyond the open curtain
At the big, flowering rhododendron.
There a bright, silent blue jay landed suddenly.
Amoung our pink fairy blossoms it stopped by me,
Jewelled with patches of rich blue - perhaps a gift
From the azure sky.
We might even think some of pure heaven
Is in flight when blue jays fly.
This dappled blue jay then soon quietly moved from branch to branch
In the green blooming shrubbery outside my window.
By boughs of cool leaves like sheaths
All at once it paused for a moment
And surprisingly looked up at me from below.
I love your gentle poetry. It is so easy to read and appreciate. Adeline Foster