One Mile Man... Poem by Aleksandra Szymanska

One Mile Man...

I dream like people whose hearts beat in the rhythm of the earth's heart
and I am but a speck of dust; I believe I can be the part...
the part in building something strong, something that would last forever,
something beautiful and simple like the truth written in heaven...

Take one step and create a foot of a gigantic human being,
take another one to design His hand - one and two is just the beginning...
Run with me and let pure air open His strong, healthy lungs.
Let's run and breathe for the man, holding our hands...

Let's put a smile on the colourful face of our human design,
let's join our hearts into one: what's mine is yours, what's yours is mine...
Let our thoughts resonance with that one gigantic brain,
let good will and wisdom flow every day through the human's veins...

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: religious
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