One More Day Poem by Bill Simmons

One More Day

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I get out of bed and I wash my face
As the wife brings the coffee cup my way
To start my day
Then she turns the news it on
I say is there something to snack on
And she brings a cup cake my way

My coffee's dry I have another fill
We talk a spell the children have their meal
Then I must get ready to go
I take a bath and I change my clothes
Pin on my badge check my gun as so
And to use it, hope never will I know

Then I hug my wife and I say good bye
I light a cigarette as I step outside
And I think oh Lord would you just look at this day
I get in the car and begin to drive
My work is like a separate life
I give them a call and let them know I'm on my way

I know my woman worries
And I think about the children
But somehow what I do it seems so right
To protect and to serve
Just an officer on this earth
But somewhere someone will sleep safe tonight

There is nothing more rewarding
Than to get through another day
And to know you put a smile on someone's face
But some days not easily
What we see is so beyond belief
And a good day is a day we can walk away

It's to late for the crying
Get through the day without dying
Maybe today someone I’ll save
But an officer when he's alone
I guarantee he thinks of home
And a good day is one more day he walks away

Then I hear a voice on my radio
I'm the closest one around
I hear the frantic call, Officer is down
I flip on my siren
And as I pass by the city streets
Only duty comes to mind, hope I make it in time

As I turn the corner
I can see his car
And alongside on the ground his form is found
But I am to late
He has already passed away
But I feel it, another bad day coming down

It's to late but for the crying
Get through the day without dying
Tonight somewhere someplace the tears will fall
But tomorrow I’ll still be
Right here on these city streets
Lord, what a beautiful day despite it all

It's to late for the crying
Get through the day without dying
Maybe tomorrow someone I’ll save
But an officer when he's alone
I guarantee he thinks of home
And a good day is one more day he walks away.

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