Ordinary Poem by Ragy Sandid


Rating: 4.5

Is it ordinary
To wake the senses
To milk and honey?
To grapes and fruits
Peaches and apples
And smiles of a bunny?

Is it ordinary
To wake to walking steps
From joy to joy
And when tears are shed
Cruelty is diluted in kindness
Till depravation becomes a toy?

Is it ordinary
To start talking to find ears
Who will listen and share?
Then smile, grimace, frown
Sooth a shout with a reply
That weighs a tons of care?

Is it ordinary
To start fighting the cocoon
That kindness has one locked in?
And see it as the web
Giant spiders have spun
To keep the victim stuck to a notion's pin?

Is it ordinary
To start to fly and want
To see freedom in free form
Unpinned by anything
Except the will to make it so
Always sensed best in the scene of a storm

Is it ordinary
To find the same cage
That everyone before has found
And enter willingly
Because any other will just be the same
No matter how high in the air, still chained to the ground

Is it ordinary
To find a new face
Formed of fury and foam
Assumes parent and mentor
Pacifier, punisher and provider
In all manner of things to come?

Is it ordinary
To see the wings of the butterfly
Change from white, to colourful to grey?
To see the eagles' wings flap
Far and at many an angle wide
The fold themselves politely without a say?

Is it ordinary
To look back and see
The milk and honey of someone else's
Then remember the promise
That everyone swore to keep
And they kept…. for themselves

Is it ordinary
To look forward and see the sky
Smell its color, sense its canvas
And know that by digging down
The scene will change
And the essence will uplift it mass?

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