Ottawa - Preparing For Canada's 150th Birthday Poem by Deanna Samuels

Ottawa - Preparing For Canada's 150th Birthday

Ottawa - the capital of Canada is electrifyingly ablaze
Thousands of flags and bunting all the craze
Streets bedecked in maple leaf red and white
Giving a celebratory feel for all in sight
Parliament Hill and the Centennial Flame
Share their grounds with marquees for the acclaimed
The revered statues of notable figures have had a clean-up
Shining and gleaming from dawn to sun set
The Parliament edifice, itself a majestic icon
Appearing even more grand with such festivity abound
Tiered seats are erected and huge viewing screens
The Hill is crowded with people from seniors to teens
Babes in moms arms, dads pushing prams
Toddlers running wild, frisky like lambs
Students by the hundreds are milling about
Supervised by teachers hoping no kid is left out
Everyone wanting to get in on the act
To have a taste of what is to come, to celebrate
A gigantic stage already prepared for Canada Day
Many renown performers are well on their way
Shops and stores are fully engrossed in the mood
Full of tourist displays in eye-catching Canadian hue
Museums, public buildings, awash in long flowing banners
The red and white color gives vibrancy to the mode of aura
Excitement and anticipation is growing as each hour goes by
Will surely burst into shouts of joy and pride on 1st of July

Inspired and written in Ottawa - 27th June 2017

Thursday, June 29, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: birthday greetings,celebrations,excitement,prepare
Deanna Samuels

Deanna Samuels

London, England
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