Our Precarious Existence! Poem by Ramesh T A

Our Precarious Existence!

In this endless, infinite, Universe nothing seems to last forever;
This is the nature of Universe that's a greatest wonder forever!
All created matters, beings are destroyed after a time limit...
Perhaps this may be due to evolution of matters to modified state;
But humanistically seeing, creator killing beings is indigestible!

Both good and bad are side by side existing in the world of life;
The strongest ones survive against all dangerous situations in life;
But that is possible only as long as strength is there in one sure;
This is a great world of contractions all have done nil to stop...;
Yet, life is going on saved by the very same creator so long here!

What a pity and what a contradiction it is for us to brood and ponder
To get hidden truth and and with wisdom to survive well to the end
In a natural way all love to have in the long or short journey of life;
Only when we know the whole, full and complete truth and purpose,
We all surely can enjoy real freedom and liberty to do what we like!

History, literature, religion and philosophy with the aid of Science
We all explore the source and the destination for all things in this
Great wonder called Universe since time immemorial of mankind here..;
Yet, what we have achieved and how far we have gone in the right path,
We cannot say for sure and so, we have to explore and go a long way!

Our Precarious Existence!
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: wonder
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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