Our Sin Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

Our Sin

Our sin

As a teen
-had pigeons to enjoy
-and compete with Reza.

He was far older and
-perfection in the job.

Competing is a sin
-but part of our nature
- (You and me, all of us!)

Some of us dress well
-use makeups, decorate
-some run or play ball
-some read books
- (hope to write!)

Some hoarders gather wealth
-if needed kill, torture.

Though this is our nature
-as the kids of Adam
- (If ever one was there,)
-must be seen a simple
-need to be the better.
- (if not best!)

Our selling of ourselves
-in harems, child soldiers
-or working labourers,
-is always indented to prove:
- "Am better, if not best! "'

It seems like yesterday
-when was child in village
-rode donkey to water
-and tried to whistle…
-signalling, like others.

Felt bad and embarrassed
-when others were better!

When I went to school
-in each of the grades
-did try to be best
-and if not ‘be better! '

When became a cadet
-led the kids to war game;
-so true and natural
-that fell hard, lost helmet.

When I led committee
-was the most honest one
-human, full of faith…

When in jail thanks to the
-liars of government
- (who abuse the simple
-to encage freedom…)
-I read, wrote, defended
-the abused and oppressed…

I, in fact, have blood of Adam
- (if ever was such one!)
-who tried for better.

To compete and to race
-is a part of nature
-look at birds
-watch the bees to tigers…

Arash was one of those
-on Bloor, with his men
-who went, sold heroin;
-competed for the top
-as the child of Adam
- (if ever was such man!)

Good or bad?
Right or wrong?
Why? Why not?

Come later; they define!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: human brain
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