Our Souls Sing One Song (Sonnet #109) Poem by Tina Rizk

Our Souls Sing One Song (Sonnet #109)

Estranged I feel in this world of exile
I long to live in a world of our own
A world where you and I walk down the aisle
A world of stillness, calm, and peace of dawn

On your chest I want to rest my tired head
And hear my heart beat softly within yours
In my soul you plant roses, white and red
One heart we became where tenderness flows

The subtle bodies we carry are vibes
Our soul expanded into you and me
Heart is the home where you and I reside
We're halves, a soul's two polarities

We found each other, to one soul we belong
Our souls share same colors and sing one song

Copyright ©️ Tina Rizk

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