(out Of All Those) Stars Poem by Effie Yalena Steyn

(out Of All Those) Stars

Out of the darkness beating down
Out of the clasping icy cage
Where my heart has lain for countless hours
Onward seems the only way.
Shooting stars are living, stars are just surviving.
Out of the womb that's held my mind
And the far-fetched plots that trailed ink
Over pages of slate scratched by nails
Green leaves turn over and cease to think.
Shooting stars are living, stars are just surviving.
Out of this lonely one-horse town
Where dreaming's just an old disease
I'm moving on, I'm telling you now
I'm getting out and getting free.
Shooting stars are living, stars are just surviving.
There's red shift in my rigid stare
And pity as I step outside
That invisible line containing your care
You're stuck here, and away I'll ride.
Shooting stars are living, stars are just surviving.
The brightness of my tail'll eclipse
Every other that you'll hold near
And if you chase it, just know this
I'm leaving behind my fear.
Shooting stars are living, stars are just surviving.
It's funny how I thought that life
Was better observed than actually played
I don't bleed from mistakes like from a knife
And I can't breathe without living each day.
If I tear across the night's sky
And break down with the rising sun
I'm still doing better than you and her
For what are you when all's said and done?
Shooting stars are living, I'm supernovae-ing out for the endless
Stars are just surviving, and out of all the stars
Your brown dwarf can't shine any less.

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