P.A.R. Poem by Michael Walkerjohn


Conversations begun over
the lighting of two single cigarettes.
By fate and certainly circumstance
in and with respects to each as these
two men; by chance, begin to speak.
And fancy that, this speak consists
of life' journey' begin for each on
opposite sides of the same coin.
Then their smiles broke loose and
two freemen spoke for a society's gain
and let all things they discussed be heard.
Goodness is this land and one man' behest
no more and no less; everyone listen up to this.
There are no other words than these. Three small
simple terms; seek definitions for these please.
Let ‘Patience' reign upon all things angelic
or beast, then summon ‘Appreciation' to
calm one's dis-ease. Once one's essence
is seen, and its glow is less stressed; the
last of these three seems apparent, and
for sure is the best. ‘Relaxation', its ‘mean'
implies above what is unseen; as the ‘retort'
to all things inhumane, angry, and or ‘mean'!
Funny it is, how an acronym' imply clears the
mind of one's perceptions of both caste and or
clime. Brings to mind that remembrance of many
decades past. This tune by "Frankie Goes to Hollywood"
in a most relevant notion, of the early 80's jewel. "Relax"
is the title and for all, this tune must make good its sense.
Check it out, google it, watch the production of the video
on YouTube and you will see exactly how it fits in, to the
next step, in any society's evolution towards, a brighter
day, conscience, and one's individual common sense.
Read this too, for it is what this particular society so
desperately needs. That swift kick in the ‘asp', the
get a grip please request from me to all of thee!
Oops… I digress yet again from the diatribe of
‘pleading for peace'; between heaven' and
Earth' and all things that are considered
as in-between anything stationary
‘tween rocks and hard places', know
this here society ain't no ‘wondrous oasis
of peace, love, and or happiness for all of the
humans which comprise its many classes or caste'
or asp wholes! And each of you know, that there are
way more asp wholes in americant than any other wholes!
I digress once again butt… digressions oftentimes lead to the
most basic of clarifications; this being discussions between ‘free'
people create mind' flow and inhibit hypocrisy, demagoguery and hate.
The latter being a paramount negative inhumane instance of insanity
brought about by all ‘holier than thou' thinking held and exhibited
by both men and women who have gained ‘swollen heads' over their
positions in a society.This cannot be deigned as you experience those
‘fat headed' politicians and corporate phaggots render their screech
all over network and cable tv ‘entertainment news' programs. Try not
to express your disgust at the truth in this… In conclusion then, and
in relation to the great game of "golf" … Patience, Appreciation
Relaxation are P.A.R. for all life. PAR is an educated normal for a
game within a beautiful day long stroll; be it three, nine, or
eighteen holes with individual and different sets of play within that
game or match or discussion… and in all friendly conversation
discussion, debate and for all life' living and beneficial
gifting'. Let each of US always strive to make P.A.R.
our most important and monumental motion.

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