Paradise Bathing In Blood Poem by Shariq Lone

Paradise Bathing In Blood

Rating: 5.0

I have seen a paradise which bathing in blood.

I have seen a paradise where there is no peace, love.

I have seen a paradise where hatred razed tranquility and love.

I have seen a paradise where fire of injustice, vandalism, unfairness razed this heaven.

I have seen a paradise where forcefully sleeping nightingales, but they cannot wake up.

I have seen a paradise where own chowkidars
sold this heaven.

Paradise Bathing In Blood
Saturday, March 9, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: kashmir day
Sylvia Frances Chan 24 April 2020

This is a greatest tragedy. A poem written as life IS in Kashmir. This is truly greatest tragdey for such a most beautiful land as Kashmir. Thank you for sharing this excellent poem. Your photo you added is a goodlooking photo. A 10 Full Score for the poem.

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Dr Antony Theodore 24 April 2019

I have seen a Kashmir children's are born but, after some time would buried in the soil of Heaven. Crying over the pathetic situation in Kashmir.. tony. a fine poem.

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Joy Johnson 09 March 2019

Amen Mr. This is correct the greatest of them all was Jesus Christ whose blood was shed for mankind for us he gave a blessing

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Shariq Lone

Shariq Lone

Binilipora Bandipora kashmir
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