Patience Is A Test In Pronunciation Poem by Marcus McKinley

Patience Is A Test In Pronunciation

Mī brayn is undə r a kónstə nt préshə r
Kree áytiv thíngking is haardə r than évvə r
Diss r úptiv and ággrə vàyting
Is the pró sèss ov kree áyting
Aartə stree with wurdz ov kòmbi náyshə n’l pláysmə nt
Thə fī n lī ns bi tween nón sènss and grayt nèss
Aar blurred with ín thə hedz i ménss nèss
An in ténss fru stráysh’n kə m pleet with vúrbee ij
I rub mī fayss with mī handz
And rub mī iz with ther drī nèss
Tī rd and strúgg’ling, thiss mess I must fínnish
ùnkə n trölə b’l yawning, on mī kee bàwrd I rest
Kóntə m plàyting thə yooz awr nan yooz ov grámmə r
in pö ə tree awr pö ə t trī
But, then ə gén wī ? shood i
Ri máyn in kə n júngkshə n with énnee úthə r

For those with no patience

My brain is under a constant pressure
Creative thinking is harder than ever
Disruptive and aggravating
Is the process of creating
Artistry with words of combinational placement
The fine lines between nonsense and greatness
Are blurred within the heads immenseness
An intense frustration complete with verbiage
I rub my face with my hands
And rub my eyes with their dryness
Tired and struggling, this mess I must finish
Uncontrollable yawning, on my keyboard I rest
Contemplating the use or non use of grammar
In poetry or poet try
But, then again why? Should I
remain in conjunction with any other

Bri Edwards 23 July 2013

theez lains ai had sum trubel with: (ai shale get bak tu them in mai neckst cament) Aart? stree with wurdz ov kòmbi náysh? n’l pláysm? nt hedz i ménss nèss Ri máyn in k? n júngksh? n with énnee úth? r awr nan yooz in pö ? tree awr pö ? t tri ? gén wi vúrbee ij rub mi iz

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