Paved With Good Intentions.. Poem by R.H. Peppers

Paved With Good Intentions..

Father told me to write for all it’s worth
so with these two hands I plant my seed in what I hope to be fertile soil..
that my labor produce fruitful Works.. AMEN!

my Ethnicity is Life
my skin is Purple.
Black and White spotted..
Native Red and Yellow stripes..

living in a land infested by an infection that keeps each of a single color divided

this illness has deep roots..
and is pumped into the mind of its victim… through their very own ears and eyes…
spoon fed untruths of a cure
as a kid is lured by candy. cake and pie

Lord their eyes cradle a crazed look..
…That of being HyPnoTiZed..

when they speak it sounds of the same vibe being televised..
similar to watching a blind man lead another who is blind..
such falsehoods are unable to coincide with what is real of life..

the infected preach of conviction and contention
ignorant in fact that..

… the road to Hell is paved with good intention..

Lord I pray these infected find the heartbeat of Your rhythm..
how You make each unique in more ways than can be mentioned..

You have made us creatures of Habit.
Smart and of Heart.
Light and of Dark..
in arrogance of such canny abilities
it almost comes natural to feel or think that You and we are a distance apart…

Lord I ask for Your help..
but want more to know how best to play my part..

Your Son...

Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: observation
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