Ph: Christmas: Christmas Magic - Almost A Sonnet Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Christmas: Christmas Magic - Almost A Sonnet

Rating: 5.0

(But Love Got in the Way!)

Tell me what's there in Christmas that's magic to you?
Is it all life in general? Friendship that's true?
I'm not certain I'm up to what's magic or not,
How could wisdom of Solomon judge Camelot?

For me, magic's more personal, like a first kiss,
Might not mean much to you but for me be pure bliss!
Rode a bike with no hands, found my fears overplayed,
The day mowed a friend's lawn, the first time I got paid!

Oh, each sunrise I'm up, for the rainbow not missed,
And the musical moment I used to resist,
The new wine that's a bargain, her hair not in curls,
Or the night I was laid up, she stood up the girls.

It is Christmas each moment that we stop to think,
And life's treasures recovered, indelible ink,
Though life's end makes more precious the one's we adore,
Still the journey, the journey, is what we live for!

All is magic! Just savor! It changes your life!
Like the day you discover God's church is His wife!
How mysterious! God's love expressed in Christ's blood
Though same God thought of ending our world with a flood!

Such a wonder, I swear that I can't take it in,
But it has to be magic, who'd die for my sin!

Brian Johnston
5 pm, the 23rd of December 2018

Sunday, December 23, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: christmas,love and life
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