Ph: Life: An Injured Dog Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Life: An Injured Dog

The dog seemed injured, moved but limped; it hurt to see him walk!
As cars drove by on either side, the center's curb too much
(It seemed)with injury to scale, he'd try, but then he'd balk,
His left front limb, I ascertained, looked tender to the touch.

With traffic on this four-lane road, it'd be a trick to stop,
First thought to block the leftmost lane we shared (to create space)
As I drove past still looking back, I wished I was a cop,
Then noticed folks who'd parked, left cars, his rescue not my race!

I'm not the one who saved the dog, nor can I end this tale
By telling you the dog survived, but trust he had a chance.
Though I drove on, paused long enough, I feel I didn't fail!
As life goes on, I'm sure I'll find a 'friend' to give a dance.

Brian Johnston
28th of April of 2019

Poet's Note:
Being a 'Good Samaritan' does not mean, I think, that we have to
help everyone we see in need of help. Indeed, to try this (we all feel a
need for help in one way or another)would likely put the whole
human race in paralysis. Staying as healthy as is reasonably
possible should always be a high priority! I like to think that
a good night's sleep is as important to my soul's health as my faith
that God is real.

Decisions get made, some good, some not so good, but whatever
the consequence, what serves best is to learn your lessons and to
keep moving! Listen to what God says to your heart! No one earns

If a scammer's lie means an investment's for naught, learn what you can,
and let it go! A desire to help others will not wreck anyone's reputation
though some may impune their intention! Don't let a scammer's sin
reduce your desire to have a positive impact in another's life. Even
professional venture capitalists consider themselves lucky if one
investment in ten winds up really giving them a high return.

Some people may think I am insane, that other poets are insane
as well for leaving poetry in their wake! Do you think this poem is a vain
attempt to seek fame, to gain a fool's immortality? Let me not say here
that I know the truth!

We all have different talents from God. My poem not graced to touch
your heart, or give even a fleeting glimpse of the love you need in your
situation, but dear brother or sister, I ask you to consider the
possibility at least, that every poem ever written on God's green
earth, is a poet stopping his car FOR YOU, and NOT passing you by!I
suggest that my poetry, this poem, in particular, is actual evidence of
my loving you. It is my prayer to God that a few will find it of some value!

Sunday, April 28, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death
Bri Edwards 19 June 2019

i skipped Notes. i'm glad some old guy did NOT block my lane of traffic. i'd have had to kill HIM! ! ! yes, for some, dogs are 'man's best friends', but i believe no dog is worth causing a traffic accident..........and i'm glad you AREN'T a cop, 'cause i KNOW you'd chuckle while giving me a 'ticket'. bri :)

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