Ph: Love: What Hurts The Most Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Love: What Hurts The Most

This morning you threatened to leave me again,
At least that was the message I heard,
Dragged me out of the sunlight and into your den,
Sun-bleached bones now, at one with the herd.

A heart that is open to love is at risk,
Whether rested or lacking in sleep,
Makes no difference either how often you frisk
For emotional landmines lay deep.

Commitment to love requires bravery (where
dreams of paradise fade with the dawn.)
For the ground that one stands on is lighter than air
(When her laughter weighs less than a yawn.)

The bed that you sleep in is crowded at best
But a bride without parents is rare,
Each day's insults are always a weight on your chest
And glass ceilings don't come with a stair.

I effort to listen to all that you say
For I don't want to be risk adverse,
Give you freedom to vent, without any restraints,
But your world's not in my universe.

For are you not focusing on others sin
When you blame me for most of your pain?
And you say, 'Please be self-less! Don't marry again! '
Want your freedom? Here's glass of champagne!

But that isn't what my own heart's longing for
Though not perfect, I've room here for you,
But this blaming must stop, or we're both out the door,
Who's not partial to room with a view?

If time might be cure, then take all that you need,
I'll be here if you want to come back,
Let me know you're secure, is my singular plead,
No desire to give friendship the sack.

I wish I could do more for pain that you feel,
But I think that I'm rarely the cause,
And I'll always be looking for new ways to deal,
No attachment to future that was.

Brian Johnston
June 1,2017

Friday, June 2, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
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