Ph: Poetry Writing: Poetry's Burden Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Poetry Writing: Poetry's Burden

Might you have a poet deep down in your gut
That you try to keep tied up and gagged?
Do some days make you feel slightly stuck in a rut
For a fear lives that you might be tagged
If you dare to explore new relation with art?
So, you're lost in the newness and don't even start?

Well, art's more a calling, most don't have a say,
'Poets' answer the phone and respond,
And it's not like you're tied to a desk the whole day
More like sitting in peace on the bank of a pond
That might offer thoughts up like "hawk knifing the air, "
With sweet music inherent! Next moment you're there!

A poet might follow paths (having no ploy)
That bring "rainbow-like promise" to mind.
It's a thought that might tickle, you follow the joy,
Or a dream that caresses, the world's left behind
To take care of itself, though there's fruit on God's tree,
Likely there on return if you need company.

It's quite a conundrum, exploring yourself,
There're suggestions of things that you hide,
You find comfort in this, dusting truth on back shelves?
Sharing feelings seems carelessness, have you no pride?
And it makes others wrong who aren't equally brave,
Be prepared to lose friends if you're poetry's slave!

Brian Johnston
April 21,2018

Saturday, April 21, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry,writing
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