"Phuuck Off" Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

"Phuuck Off"

human creation
do the research and
you will find the answers
and discover that humankind
has been dancing with this covid
devil for some decades now… in labs
all around this planet… many countries
many institutions, many corporate entities
and all of the military sectors in each and
every nation, that could handle such
horrible, wicked, and evil substances.
Mortals are humans… scientists are mortal
humans… mortal humans make human mistakes
human mistakes makes for mortality among humans
only mortal humans, can make; mortality the ‘norm'
for all of humankind. Try and tell me IAM incorrect!
Scientists do not seek to solve the ‘supernatural.'
Scientists find a mystery of nature and play with
it… seeking to control and "own" the "rights"
to this… for personal gains and much more
devious corporate and national interests.
Everyone on this planet knows this!
Where the phuuck you been: "C"?
Hiding behind ignorance or is that
holding on to religion… whatever!
Scientists do not seek to control US.
Scientists seek to cajole US… This insures
that they can pay off their student loans before
they die! And just what is a ‘false picture'? Trump
as the president of the united states? That is pretty
close to an absolute faux pic if ever there was one!
Evil scientists, or evil governments, or evil posers
evil powers, or evil weevils, or "Evil Knievel"?
Listen everyone… The ‘nature' of "origin" …
is to reproduce… period… Cross the pollen
of, the coffee berry bush, with the coca bush
and add in more than a few birds and bees and
a bit of breeze and what do you get? Starbucks!
Why do you think that all you morons line up for
60+ minutes, for a single cup-o-joe? Yea, once a
long time long ago, in some place far away … all
humans, had some sharper form of one's brain!
This was the case. The human brain has become
nothing in these current daze! And that dinky lil'
skull you each have is nothing but a shell of bone!
Not even worthy, of being called a ‘hat rack'! You
are each stupefied! Because you do not read, or
speak or think! You phuucking morons! You are
lazy and shiftless and mostly all worthless! Yea!
No money, no dicks, no purpose … doing nothing
but pissing, shyting and being ‘comfortably numb.'
And then you open up your gobs and spew out stupid!
So, just who are this "we, ' that knew? Dumb Asp …
If, you are gonna make a point "C" … begin by
naming some names! Phuucking retard! Yea!
IAM calling spades when there are nothing
butt, asp wholes posting, asp spit about
the things that they know absolutely
phuuck all about! Phuucking idiot!
What do you know about religions?
Nothing you have not been told! You
dolt! You have been "told" stupid shyte!
And you hold "stupid shyte" in your mind!
Some dumb asp human before you makes up
a figure for the ‘times' that they were living …
and nothing has changed in 1500 years! You
sorry excuse, for a supposedly superior
P.O.S.! Do you not know that the
human species was the last thing
created to be placed in this garden?
Are you that stupid to assume that the
human species is the ‘highest form of life"
and, that it makes the rules, for what goes on
on this planet? Phuucking ignorant miscreant you!
"Ancient philosophy" … now that is some joke! Where
are the quotes? Where are the references toany names?
Name one Ancient Philosopher! Phuuck! How disturbingly
stupid are you and your odd fellows? IAM most positive
in my thoughts that you did not come up with the bull
stool you posted, by yourself! You are too phuucking
stupid! ‘Reading of Nature'? What the phuuck you
thinking about? ‘Reading of Nature', like nature
writes, the words that humans; put on pages
that become printed into books? Goddamn!
Are you ever insipidly ignorant! Phuuck! What
Schools did you attend? "Moron ‘US'? " Well you
did get one point correct … "Modern Science' does
get, more than a bit confusing … however, there is; a
systemic issue within all parts of the human experience
having to do, with the simplistic thought, and plea of
one "Rodney" … "Why can't we all just get along? "
See "C", no system that humanity has come up
with can get along within it … therefore there
are, many confusing factors as issues, with a
scientific ‘train of thought' … do you read me?
"Fiction, tragedy, fallacy" … Phuuck! I bet, it took
you a fortnight to come up with this trio! In relation
to what and whom? "Tirthankaras"? Prophets?
Okay … ones in the same … the ultimate pure
developed state of the soul. Jainism and God?
And Buddha? Siddhārtha Gautama? Okay …

Quotes attributed to the Buddha …

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future
concentrate the mind on the present moment."
‘You only lose what you cling to."
"No one saves us but ourselves.
No one can and no one may.
We ourselves must walk the path."
"The mind is everything.
What you think you become."
"Three things cannot be long hidden:
thesun, the moon, and the truth."
"We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts, we make the world."
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without."
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought."
"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe
deserve your love and affection."
"Health is the greatest gift
contentment the greatest wealth
faithfulness the best relationship."

No much of science there … So there
is a separation of Science and Religion?
And it is within this separation that there
comes the mass of confusion that you propagate "C"!
Adding to the confusion and clarifying nothing for the reader!
So, what is it that you are aware of within any "truths" that
have proved, to be ‘universal'? You, "C" are in a slot …
A rather narrow one at that! And you have no answers
to any on the questions and no solid evidence to any
of the trials and issues of this daze and times …
So, Please take your personal and individual
"stupid" and simply "PHUUCK OFF! "

"Phuuck Off"
Monday, May 18, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: concious,control,examination,example,expression,opinion
Of course there was a post that just irked my innards! You dumb asp wholes out there must impress upon the readership that the dribble you are expressing is an opinion... and has no basis in any facts... especially when the subject is either religion, science, or politics!
In not doing so you expose your individual stupid for any of US to peruse... and by reading your opinions... well we each have one...
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