Pinches My Skin Poem by John Ackerman

Pinches My Skin

squeezing against my chest
my arms restrain to my sides
my hands pressing against my flesh
my eyes wide but i see nothing
the four walls of this confined prison
pinches my skin
and pushes my head into my knees
my breath is heavy
Panting i can't breathe
I choke on my own thoughts
my own breath
my heart pounds in my eardrums
I long to stretch my legs
and run far, far away
free as a bird as if you already heard,
champions as a monkey studded flunkie
strip back the hall piece shapes for you to carry on in song
nicely page done turn as if you haven't heard
Swiss Miss to words that twist come together with a kiss
tossed as a salad with wings that travel
beats to wing your own

sought after wings to fly hence the page has turned so was the butterfly
yesterday we learn to having a page that would turn hearts to burn
free as a bird fly weekly as on the river Nile,
basketball toward the know it all with words that heal
basketball to the know it all

we have come way too far
the sorrow is ours
crusted chains in the cell block 9
love to be loved like never before
sealed with a kiss sorrow has missed

linger long within a song

from this hell I have to call home

Pinches My Skin
Monday, December 17, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: magic
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