Pink Star Poem by ObiGod Chidi CC

Pink Star

Look yourself in the mirror
And smile at the beauty
His peasant eyes didn't see,
The beauty princes gaze upon
And their iron jaw drops
As a pail into a crystal well.
Grin at the precious heart
That worth more than diamond
Which you gifted to him freely
And he jettisoned it to the trash can,
But you fell into the Premier Mines.

Now pick yourself up as a lost gem,
Get washed in the shower of your tears,
Dust and dry, refine and define yourself
With fiery hankies and pep touches
Each stroke makes your skin toucher
With each fall your heart learns hardness.
This is the story of all that are beautiful
And the glory of all that are great.

You are a fount of light, star of hope
The most precious among damsels
Your reflecting edges, color and purity
Makes kings and gods sit in auction
To bid for your glittering hand and love
As a four hundred carat millennium star.
But here you are crying over a stranger
Who can't afford nor deserve to have you.
Rise only to where he can't reach you
Where he can only look up in jealousy
As you sit upon the crown of royalties
As Winston Blue upon Mountain of lights
Sit as trophy on the gallery of champions
For you belong to the best richest bidder.

O Pink Star,
You worth more than you know
You are greater than you see.
Love can be mean sometimes, we know,
It doesn't place us where we wish to be,
But destiny knows what's best for us.
The man you see with eyes of a baby
Will not appeal much when you're a lady.

28th December 2018.

Sunday, December 30, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: diamond,love and life,lovelorn,star
A poem to a friend who is yet to see her worth. And take pride in what she's made of. Don't let who accepts or who refused to accept you define you. Don't let a lost love keep you wandering in a maze. You know you are, embrace it and let others celebrate you.
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