Poem For Nancy Poem by david lessard

Poem For Nancy

Hi Nancy-Here's a poem to cheer you,
as you go about your day,
whether you are working hard
or taking time to play.

Imagine yourself, floating down the Nile,
Servants fan your face to cool you dry,
Beside you, swims a crocodile,
The fans ward off, the dreaded Tetse fly.

The sun is at it's highest point,
A hundred in the shade,
But you sip on Diet soda,
as stress from you...just fades.

You don't care what time it is,
You've nothing on the shelf,
You could float like this for days,
To only please yourself.

Gone away are troubles,
Gone away, the blues...
You've checked out from worry,
Your just on a cruise.

Wants and needs have vanished,
Like clouds up in the sky,
and you can't improve upon this dream,
would you really want to try?

Drifting on the waters,
Resplendent as a queen,
We all bow down before you,
In this imaginary scene.

Too bad, it's all illusion,
of things that aren't to be,
Welcome back Nancy,
to the world of reality.

It was fun, while it lasted,
It was just a getaway,
An escape into some fantasy,
Not really meant to stay.

Just a poem for Nancy,
to cheer you up a bit,
Hope you liked the thought,
and relished the whole trip.

david lessard

david lessard

gardner, massachusetts
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