Poetic Etiquette Poem by bob barci

Poetic Etiquette

I am here
to read and share
self written poems
that I hope you like.
I am here
to listen to and enjoy
your self written poems.
After all,
this is a poetry reading.
I did not come
to a weekly BS session or coffee klatch.
I really don’t care
about this one’s trip someplace,
that one’s family pictures,
or someone’s political views.
If you want to chit-chat
please come 15 minutes earlier,
stay 15 minutes later,
or gather at a restaurant or someone’s home.
Please do not interrupt the reading
to discuss your failed marriage,
how highly you think of yourself,
or to discuss current events.
All this can be done another time.
We are here
in the name of poetry.
Coffee klatch on your own time – not mine.
When it is your turn –
have your poem ready to read.
Do not spend your time searching for something.
If you are not ready to read – pass.
Do not spend 20 minutes
trying to decide on something
or discuss your poetic process.
If you feel your poem needs an explanation –
keep it brief, very brief.
Two or three short sentences is more than plenty,
and after you finish reading your poem
remember – the next person is waiting to read.
Now is not the time to discuss,
at great length, the poem you just read.
Should you hear a poem
that reminds you of
other poems you know,
save one of those poems for your next turn.
Do not jump in and recite
20 poems that are similar in subject.
Newcomers are always welcome,
but, I want to hear their poetry,
not have them put the reading on indefinite hold
as they, at great length, discuss their poetic philosophy.
I am here
to read, listen and enjoy
not to be put to sleep,
by random, spur of the moment, never ending conversations
under the guise of a poetry reading.

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