Poisoned Poem by Cloe C


Depression is a poison that seeps into the soul,
A darkness that consumes, a black hole.
It drags you down into the depths of despair,
A weight on your chest, a suffocating air.

It creeps up slowly, a thief in the night,
Stealing your joy, your will to fight.
It whispers lies, telling you you're not enough,
A never-ending cycle that feels so tough.

It drains your energy, your motivation,
A constant battle, a never-ending frustration.
It makes you question everything you know,
And leaves you feeling empty, with nowhere to go.

But anxiety is the hospital you go to recover,
A place of safety, a refuge like no other.
It helps you see the light through the darkness,
Guiding you through the storm, with its gentle harness.

It reminds you that you're not alone,
That you're loved, and you have a home.
It gives you the tools to fight the poison,
And helps you find your way out of the confusion.

It teaches you to breathe, to take it slow,
To be kind to yourself, and let the feelings flow.
It helps you see that life is worth living,
And that there's hope, and a reason for striving.

So if you feel the poison start to seep,
And the darkness threatens to steal your sleep,
Remember that anxiety is the hospital you go to recover,
And that with time, you'll find your way back to each other.

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