Powtics Of Meteorology Poem by Nyein Way(Maung Maung Thein)

Powtics Of Meteorology

poetics of meteorology

multiple universes in multiple realities in postcontemporary process powtics-poetry poem of nowness.

observing mind and matteer in environmental atmospheric consiruon and on use
of linguics,
symbols, images and conceptual techniques of psychological-philosophical-literary theorecticaintegration machine of
poetic imagination and of poetic licence for testing boundaries of newly invented or appropriate dwvising techniques of innovation for poems.
forecasting possibilities of being in poetry zone of the postconceprual-postcontemporary techniques are auductatively explored
as sciemce and art of process poetry movement.
mornings arw after dawns and dawns are after midnights.
the sunlight in poetics of meteorological survey for the more effective-
collaborative society of poetry in emerging reality of platonic-wittgensteinian-deluezian-ernstblochian principles of future and hope in widely scoping landscape of humanity and posthumanity realms of beings and becomings.
satoried words arre on the way to prosaic poetics glitches and gaps.

nyein way
(1987/remade 2024)

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