Praise The Cross Of Jesus Poem by Bob Gotti

Praise The Cross Of Jesus

Rating: 5.0

Today I praise the cross of Jesus, where He died and bled for me.
For on that very cross of Jesus, His bloody death has set me free.
Christ came to die for all of us, upon that bloody cross of Calvary.
And upon Him I place my trust, from this day through all Eternity.

It was upon the cross of Christ, that He came to die so I could live.
Christ came to offer to us His life, the gift His Father chose to give.
Jesus came to be our sacrifice, so that all our sins God will forgive.
It is through the blood of Jesus Christ, that I can now eternally live.

Nothing was done on my part, but to accept Christ and to believe.
Christ even moved upon my heart, with The Spirit that I received.
New Life in me He would start, the life The Spirit would conceive.
And for me, a message to impart, for New Life you must believe.

You must believe in Jesus Christ, who came to save you and me.
He sent The Spirit into this strife, to give us eyes so we could see,
That Jesus came to give men life, so that they could live eternally.
This life is found in Jesus Christ, and is from the blood of Calvary.

Friend, there is only but one name, that men can lift up and raise,
For no common man can claim, any credit and seek men’s praise.
No man’s glory and or fame, can compare to The Ancient of Days.
And Jesus Christ is the only name, that by all men will be praised.

glen still 10 August 2005

Maybe it's copyrighted and only the publisher knows the truth...

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Poetry Hound 10 August 2005

Hey Bob, I was thinking that Judgment Day might not be the big phantasmagoric Hollywood laser show kind of deal that some people think it will be. It might actually be a fairly low-key affair. And it might already be happening even as we speak. I mean, maybe God interprets the “Day” in Judgment Day very loosely. It’s like when you say Christ is coming “soon, ” you’re kind of fuzzy about when “soon” is. So maybe we’re in the midst of an ongoing Judgment Day, or maybe we should call it Judgment Year or Judgment Decade. That means that Jesus is among us now. So how exactly is he going about the selection process for 6 billion of us? He has to have a means of reaching lots of people at once, like maybe he could go on TV. Maybe he’ll have one of those wacky reality courtroom shows, where people toss out pathetic excuses and forget to bring documentation. He could even dress up like a girl and call the show “Judgment Judy.”

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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