Prayer For The President Poem by Percy Dovetonsils

Prayer For The President

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Oh Lord, in this time of viral trial
grant our Commander in Chief
a wisdom
he has never demonstrated before.

Even as he lies
about how sick
he is,
let that sickness

bring him face to face
with himself
so that he might see
the suffering

he has inflicted
on his own people.
When he struggles to draw
another breath

Let him think
of the hundreds
of thousands
of Americans

who could not draw another breath
and died
thanks to his

of this threat to the nation.
Let him think
of someone besides himself,
let him think

of the thousands more
who will certainly die
If he doesn't get to knocking
versus this disease.

When his blood
turns to jelly
let him question

for the first time
and ask forgiveness
from a power greater than himself
for what he has done.

If he has
the good fortune
to survive his covid trial
let him emerge

from Walter Read Hospital
trailing laurels of glory,
illuminated by a new compassion for all
born of his own suffering

and resurrection.
We understand, Oh Lord,
how unlikely this transformation
will be, given the President's

track record, but we ask
that this miracle be wrought
in Your Name,
with Your Everlasting Power,

Because the nation needs
a proper leader,
a man whose heart
is full of love

and who radiates
that love
even to the least fortunate
and therefore most deserving

of its citizens,
to all of its citizens,
regardless of their wealth or poverty,
their intelligence or stupidity,

their merit or criminality.
We dare to ask this of Thee
because You are possessed
of a kindness, compassion, and wisdom

which is beyond our comprehension.
And because we still have faith
that this great nation,
led by a great leader,

can reach the light,
and enlightenment,
which has always shone
before us

out of reach,
yet showing us the way
and illuminating

And Lord, if the transformation of Trump
is not something
you care to do,
if you consider it a waste of time,

then please end his benighted
administration expeditiously,
that we may get on with the work
and the joy

of being Americans
in an America
led by a President
deserving of the title.

In your blessed name
we ask this
and if you can't be bothered
we understand

and will roll up our sleeves,
join our hands,
and get the damned job done

Saturday, October 3, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: politics,prayer
Can the President, like Ebenezer Scrooge, take to his sick bed and emerge from his trials a far better, wiser, kinder, man? Not likely, but we can at least hope for the best.
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